Rewriting the Genetic Code
on the Energetic Level to
Manifest it in all areas of our life


Have you ever facilitated a healing session and noticed not all persons reap the same results?

Despite pouring your heart and soul into each session, it sometimes feels as though the healing doesn't penetrate as deeply as you hoped.

We often console ourselves with the notion that each person is unique and their path to healing varies, as a way to ease our minds.

You might find yourself wondering, "What am I overlooking?" It seems as though you've done everything right, yet the struggle persists.

If these experiences have ever made you question the effectiveness of healing, hold on. There's a straightforward explanation...

The ROOT CAUSE of all issues begins
at the level of the DNA

What that means is if we do not address or heal on the DNA level first, we are still running the same blueprint over and over again.

Let me elaborate.

At the core of everything is vibration and frequency. This principle applies to our DNA as well.

Our DNA serves as a storage of all information, embodying the energetic blueprint that shape who we are.

It influences the manifestation of our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and material aspects.

That correlates to our personality, beliefs, mindset, actions and behaviors

Therefore, this blueprint continues to duplicate with the information it contains until we initiate a change.

Its like that ink stamp.

Whatever it was made to create, its template is fixed and will only produce the same outcome.

You cannot change the outcome until you change its mould

That's the same for your DNA.

Until you begin to change your vibration and frequency from the DNA level, your life will continue to be duplicating the same patterns over and over again.

That is why when Healing happens on the DNA level,
you get to change the outcome.

That is when Healing becomes easy, fast permanent and successful

With DNA Healing

- You can go down to the ROOT CAUSE of ANY issue
and change the imprint from there to create ripple effects
in a person's life

- It can be added easily onto any healing modality you now

have to create exponential effects at the core

- You have a consistent, easy to execute tool that you can rely on

- It can be an added service or an added bonus on top of your work

It saved my Life

Back in 2013, I was in deep depression and struggle emotionally and financially so much that I wanted to end it all.

Luckily I chanced upon DNA healing and even though I could not afford it, I just new in my heart that I had to and found a way.

After the course, I immediately felt an uphill shift in my energy, my mindset, and I can finally see a way out of my slump. I focused on facilitating these sessions for others and seeing clients' feedback and results gave me more reason to do the work.

After doing this over the years I became certified to teach it so I can one day pass this powerful work on.

Today I am one of four teachers in this world certified to train teachers and it gives me great pleasure to pass these teachings to you so you too can experience the shifts I did and to help others do the same.

With my practical experience and clear teaching style, I will share all I can to support you to faciliate healing for yourself and others.


An Advance Energy Healing Modality that allows you to shift the DNA coding so you can facilitate lasting change for others

Which of these results inspire you the most?

Heartfelt shares from delighted students and clients from all over the world

Long Covid Lifted!

After DNA, I notice my energies returning and my long covid dissapeared. I am happier, lighter more vibrant and lost some weight too! I am so thrilled with my results and cannot wait to use this to work on others!

Christine Tremain, USA

Manifested Dream Job

“I have under gone so many difficulties in life & I am lucky to have done the DNA Mapping with Jaime. Right after completing all the sessions, I felt everything within & around me changing accordingly. I got my dream employment overseas, met new people which created more opportunities & my Dad's business started doing well too. After this session me & my family are living happily, so If you want to unlock your doors, create opportunities, do not hesitate but go for it.”

Erandha Appuhamy, SriLanka

No Need for Surgery!

“I was at wits end as I've tried everything to handle my deteriorating back condition. My Dr's have been prepping me for surgery if nothing else worked. So I decided to give this a shot. To my surprise, after just the first session the pain was gone. I've never felt more relieved and happier as I no longer need to go in for surgery! I am so grateful for this work!

Cynthia K, Singapore

A Powerful tool indeed!

“I am grateful to learn this modality as I now have an amazing tool to add on the shamanic work that I do. My clients have begin to notice the shifts and I am thrilled to see it work so fast, and so powerfully I am excited what else is possible! ”

Aaron H , Netherlands

Access to Peace and Joy

Right after the session, I felt a strange sense of relief and peace. There was also a feeling of giddy joy whenever I think of all those words that we had written about the states that I wanted to replace those old patterns. These were the juicy stuff… the stuff of dreams. This has helped me move faster into alignment with what I wanted. Thank you very much Jaime!”

Yang Fang Yi, Malaysia

Positive Shifts and Changes!

Jaime is an incredibly sensitive and gifted healer. In this, I place total trust in her extensive knowledge and practice in healing, her intuition, integrity and compassion. I have had several DNA sessions and have anchored in new energies of love and peace within myself. I love the shifts and the changes that have taken place. I highly recommend this work as it will change your life.”

Melissa, Malaysia

Heart's Desires Fully Manifested!

The anchoring process was done by and within days, amazing events manifested including hiring an incredible business coach and got linked into a global group of successful people to create passive income, and experiencing the miracle of owning my own home again. All of this has happened in a space of 3 weeks only. I highly recommend this modality!” 

Sukhwinder Kaur, Founder of Journey into Heart, Australia

Become a

Certified DNA Healing Practitioner


Session 1 - The Energetics of DNA

- Discover how the energy of DNA can be shifted

- Understand how DNA Healing works

- Learn the First DNA Mapping technique that removes negative traits in 1/32 of your bloodline

- The Active Energy that shifts DNA

Session 2 - The Anchor

- Learn the codes that activates your DNA Map
- Learn the second DNA Mapping technique that anchors in positive attributes into your DNA

- Discover the Law of Genes
- Learn How Past Lives influences your DNA

Session 3 - The Healing

- Learn about the 12 Strands of DNA and how we carry them in our lives

- Discover the correspondences of DNA with everything in nature and the world

- Learn a powerful energy healing technique that works deep into the 12 layers of your DNA

Session 4 - Connections to our Ancestors and beyond

- Learn about the energy behind your names and different roles you take on and how that is serving you

- Reprogram traits, behaviors, genetic dis-ease, emotional patterns, and manifestations

- How to work on others so you can maximise impact

How the Program Works

Learn at your Own Pace

After registration you will receive your access to the Online Portal where
all the teachings resides. This comes with activations, downloads,
everything that you need within this portal.
As there are no boundaries or limits to time and space,
the energy is captured in these videos

Receive feedback and Guidance

Take your time to go through the videos, and follow along
Then submit your assignments when prompted
Jaime will review your work and you will receive feedback within 3-5 days.
When all is in order, the next portion of the course unlocks
You will 90 days to complete your course work
When all is completed, you will receive your certification

Extra Pre-recorded teachings to integrate this work

There will be past pre-recorded teachings released to you

to support your learning of the material so you can fully

comprehend the work.

Plus during this 90 days, Jaime will be there to answer

any questions that you may have. Instructions will be given to

to you in an email

There will be past pre-recorded teachings released to you
to support your learning of the material so you can fully
comprehend the work.

Plus during this 90 days, Jaime will be there to answer
any questions that you may have. Instructions will be given to
to you in an email

Enroll Now in

Transform Your DNA


or US$1,100 when you pay in FULL


Here's what some of the Graduates have to say:

“Jamie is an excellent teacher who delivers knowledge and skills with precision, brilliance and joyful lightheartedness. Transform your DNA enables you to evolve into a new and powerful realignment to original life force, by pruning out old and dried out branches with the precision and clarity of a master gardener..”

Gerlinde Fink
Group Facilitator, Practitioner

“DNA was an intense course! I have benefited from it immensely as I want to offer this services to my clients. It was eye opening to learn that we as individuals are an accumulation of our ancestor's energetic DNA and to heal and transform our DNA would benefit both past and future generations.

May Kuen
Healing Arts Practitioner

“DNA is such deep, profound and important work! I have deepened my understanding of myself, where I come from, my strengths and my weaknesses. These are very strong tools that will allow me to help shift others DNA

Pnina Moldovano , Teacher, Practitioner

Got Questions? Here’s some commonly asked ones

Is this program suitable for beginners and non practitioners?

Absolutely! A big part of the training focuses on healing yourself first. As you heal yourself you are able to help support others well. The more we heal, the more we can heal. So even if you do not have a practise yet but want to add on a new skill for yourself, or perhaps make this something you can help others with in the future, this program is suitable for you.

How soon will I be able to do this work for others?

As soon as you receive the certification. We recommend that you move through the course within 30 - 45 days and give yourself time to practise and integrate the work. Once you have done so, you are ready to share this work with others. Trust the downloads. The more you practise the better you get

How long do I get to keep the course?

You have 90 days to review all the materials and really get the 'how' of doing the work. During this time, you are free to submit questions to and receive feedback. After that you will be well equipped to do the work. Why the intensive time? Because we want you to participate fully and be in this space when the energy is high and potent so you can truly heal and expand. You will get how to do the work as it will be all laid out for you in the class.

Enroll Now in

Transform Your DNA


or US$1,100 when you pay in FULL


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