Lasting Change FINALLY!

Being on your Healing journey, I am sure you have noticed how difficult it can be to change deep rooted beliefs and conditioning. You have seen it in your own life, your family and many others.

And if you are like most of my students that has gone through many dark nights of the soul, you know its not fun being on the roller coaster and not knowing how long this one is going to last.

It's not that we don't know what needs to be healed or don't have the tools for it. It seems like a never-ending process of dealing with the same thing over and over again.

Just take FEAR, for instance - the level of depth this emotion has on us is undeniable. Needing to protect or run when there is no real threat to our safety.

But the need to protect ourselves has been so ingrained in our minds since humanity's primitive age that it still lingers in our subconscious.

Fear, like many other negative emotions, has been passed down through the generations, embedded as a code within our DNA.

And UNTIL we REWRITE our DNA coding to shift this, we are still repatterning with the SAME DNA CODES as before.

That is why, no matter how hard we try, healing can only go so far UNTIL we work on REPATTERNING our DNA


How is this even possible?

For starters, you know everything is vibration and frequency beyond material manifestation.

This includes our DNA.

And before science had a say in how our DNA came to be and what it does, indigenous healers and elders have always known that our blueprint for life is stored within our cells.

This information carry not only how our physical bodies manifests, it contains all emotional, mental and spiritual information. Which absolutely makes sense if you come to think of it. They must exists somewhere!

Our entire makeup, duplicates itself from one generation to the next with the information within our cells. Unfortunately, the amount of change per generation is very small, and so in order for us to truly create the change we want to see in the world, we have to begin from the DNA level.

The alchemy of reprogramming the DNA are teachings that has been passed down through the generations from Mayan and Korean Masters.

These teachings are sacred and has been passed down from teacher to student, like a software, allowing those who have it, the ability to rewrite the energetic imprint within the DNA.





This is a step by step pre-recorded course that shows you in great detail

the fundamental teachings and how you can work on your DNA

RELEASE deep generational trauma once and for all

BE THE ONE that breaks the chains for your lineage

IMPRINT NEW vibrant energies that support you and your family

AWAKEN Soul Gifts embedded within your Blueprint from lifetimes ago

Anyone can learn this work

Read what our past students have said about Transform Your DNA

Christian Tremain

Reiki Facilitator

"The results was immediately felt.
My long Covid vanished"

"After the DNA course, I noticed my energy returning. My long covid which have lingered for such a long time has disappeared. I am so pleased with the results. I am happier, lighter and more vibrant.
PLUS I lost some weight too! This work is so amazing
and the results and cannot wait to use this work on others!

"The course is easy to learn and quick to manifest"

"Being a beginner, I was afraid that this may be to advanced for me. However, Jaime has a way to explain these profound concepts in a easy to understand structure. I was able to implement the work and reap the exponential results quickly!
I am emotionally lighter and notice the shifts I had asked for in my own life as well as my family. I am so blessed to have come across this work and cannot wait to help others with it!"

Patricia Heng

Marketing Manager

Gerlinde Fink

Master Druidic Teacher

"Deep impactful work across generations"

"I've been supporting women for many decades throughout my career and adding the DNA Healing modality has helped my clients reach greater depth into releasing what no longer serves them.

I've noticed the gradual and steady uphill movement in them as well as their family dynamics. I highly recommend this work as well as Jaime as a teacher delivering this skill with precision, brilliance and joyful lightheartedness for such deep work.”


The Fundamentals

  • Understanding the energetics of DNA Healing work

  • Learn the framework behind DNA Healing

  • How does DNA Healing Manifest in daily life

  • Discover the role of Active Energy that shifts the DNA


The Release

  • Learn the powerful DNA Mapping Technique

  • Deep dive into uncovering the negative patterns in your lineage

  • Learn the framework behind DNA Healing

  • The Release process to allow exponential healing to happen


The 12 Strands of DNA

  • Learn the 12 attributes of DNA Strands

  • The meaning and correlation to our Soul Purpose

  • Its correlation to people, places and things around us

  • Discover deeper meaning to life


The Anchor

  • Learn all about DNA Coding and how it activates your DNA

  • Gain the skill to Anchor into your DNA with positive attributes
    that you want in your lineage

  • Discover what governs DNA Healing


DNA Strand Identification

  • Learn how to access and identify DNA strands in the body

  • Learn DNA Healing method for working on these individual strands

  • Release inhibitions and access your talents and gifts


DNA Timeline Work

  • Learn how to access and identify DNA strands in the body

  • Learn DNA Healing method for working on these individual strands

  • Release inhibitions and access your talents and gifts


DNA Name Analysis

  • Understand the correlation of your name to the DNA codes
    and how it affects you

  • Generate names that are supportive to your life

  • Comprehend certain correlations to your life


The DNA Activation

  • Receive powerful transmission and downloads to

    awaken your ability to access and heal your DNA at the quantum level

  • Open up soul recognition and possibilities within your DNA

What would you pay

to lift generations of trauma

in exchange for freedom?


That was how I felt back in 2013. I was in such deep depression and struggle emotionally and financially that I wanted to end it all.

Luckily for me, I chanced upon DNA healing and my Soul knew this is the course that was going to change my life. So I did everything that I possible could to make it work.

After the course, I immediately felt an uphill shift in my energy, my mindset, and I can finally see and feel there's a way out. I focused on facilitating these sessions for others and seeing clients' feedback and results gave me more reason to do the work.

After doing the work for many years, I became certified to teach and have taught this online and in person internationally.

Today I am one of four teachers in this world certified to train teachers and it gives me great pleasure to pass these teachings to you so you too can experience the shifts I did and to help others do the same.

With my practical experience and clear teaching style, I truly stand by this work and its efficacy through working with hundreds of clients and I am excited to pass this wisdom to you so you can help your family and many others to come! 

The investment in this course is truly worth its weight in gold especially if you are thinking about using this to facilitate healing for others. You will recoup your investment in no time!

Jaime Shine

Teacher Trainer and Facilitator

Your Investment

to Become a Skilled
DNA Healing Practitioner

There are 2 ways to Enroll

ONE: The Live Event

Join us for 3 hours over 4 Sundays for a transformational experience guided by Sioux and Jaime

TWO: The VIP Experience

This is great for someone who needs more help in identifying areas in their life where they get stuck and cannot seem to untangle what is holding them back. Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know. This will deeply support you to move through the course, keep you accountable AND ensure you receive the best out of this work.



3 Monthly Payments



One Time Payment



One Payment



Here's what to look forward to

Once you register, you will receive all the information you need to access your Online Portal and the link to details of our time together.

Here are the dates to mark out on your calendar


Every SUNDAY in February from 10am - 1pm

Dates: 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23

Join Live or Watch the Replay


Facilitate and Market DNA Healing

WORTH $333

Over the years, students have shared their struggles with how to share DNA work with new clients.

So I added this workshop to share all that I know about facilitating sessions for others.

In this Bonus Workshop you will learn 

- How to deliver a good session to your client 

- Ways to Enroll someone for DNA Healing 

- How to price your services

- How to package your services

- How to market your services

So you can easily set up your services and share DNA work with many others


Here are answers to some common questions that students have asked me over the years

Can anyone learn this?

Anyone who is willing and open to learn can do this work. You do not need special skillsets, just a willingness to learn and practise, like cooking. You have all the recipe you need to succeed and the more you practise, the better you become.

This work is structured in a way that is simple to understand and powerful enough to create the shifts that you want to see in yourself, your family and others. Just take small action steps and you will get there.

Can I learn this even if I am not a practitioner?

Yes, a lot of my students take this for working on themselves and their family. The way this course is structured, you get the best of both worlds. How to work first on yourself and do it for someone else.

So, no matter your intentions, you will receive both methods. And who knows, you may love this work so much you want to help others with it too! 

How much time does this require?

Most students had great success when they allocated 2-4 hours a week during our learning time together. In this time you complete the assignment for the week or watch the video replay to strengten your understanding of the work. These assignments help anchor your learning so you can use the teachings immediately. 

Can I access course materials after completion?

Yes! Once you have completed the work, you will unlock lifetime access to the course so you can review it at anytime you want. And if we make updates to the program, you will be receiving them too.

Are there any prerequisites?

No, our courses are designed for beginners and do not have any prerequisites. We cover all the necessary topics from scratch.

I’ve taken other modalities, will it affect my work?

Not at all! In fact, this work will only add to what you already know and expand on it. Adding this to your repertoire will improve your ability to help others more, as anyone can benefit from working on our DNA.

How soon can I practice this work?

As soon as you have completed all the coursework and submitted your work, you will receive your certification to practise. Your time and effort decide your pace. 

I am not a science geek, will I be able to understand this?

Absolutely! There are no challenging text that requires brain cells, in fact, all terminology used as plainly explained and easy to comprehend. What is required is openness and willingness to learn.

Now, it's time to make a choice

The first choice is to choose to do nothing and as you already are aware, when you continue as usual -- then nothing changes.

The second path is the empowered path. Where YOU have an active role to make the changes you truly want to see in yourself, your family, your children and their children.

Generational shifts can happen WITH YOU!

YOU have come into this lineage for this very reason, so I truly look forward to you stepping up and choosing your power. The power to make a difference.

And we look forward to supporting you and your growth on the inside!



3 Monthly Payments



One Time Payment



One Payment


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